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Location: MA, United States

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I'm officially a mom blogAH! Please be patient with me as this is my very first time blogging. I'm thrilled I even figured out how to set this up with my new gmail email account. Not exactly sure what I'm doing but within time I am confident I'll be the best blogger out there! Wishful thinking...

Just recently I discovered the wild world of mothers that blog their crafty and decorating skills. I am being honest when I tell you I am completely obsessed with the millions and trillions of blogs that are out there. Oh my...

It's a whole new world to me and I'm shocked that is took me until 2010 to realize how much information is out there. I had no idea what I was missing out on until now.

Today I feel like a new person. I am finally ready to take on all those projects in my home that have sat... sat... and sat... while collecting lots of dust... dust... and more dust...

As I read the blogsI learned so many new things about crafting, redoing furniture, being creative while hosting parties, parenting, cooking, baking, painting AND so much more. Today was the day that I realized I AM ONE OF THOSE MOMS! I am woman hear me ROAR... I do the same stuff that all these other mom's do all the time and yet no one even knows about what I do. I've got some crafty skills -- not as crafty as some of these amazing talented moms -- BUT -- I do have some skills that I hope that others will enjoy.

So here I am not reallying knowing what the heck I am doing -- BUT -- I am determined to learn more about this beatiful world of blogging. I'm excited and eager to get started AND thrilled that YOU decided to join me on this exciting journey... where ever it may take us!


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