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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

PARTY PLANNING - St. Patty's Day

St Patrick's Day is almost here!
Green, green & more green!

Served with dinner...

I wasn't overly thrilled about the recipe so I decided not to post it. I ended up keeping out the caraway seeds because I do NOT like them. The muffins tasted OK but not the best. Probably better with caraway seeds if you like that taste.

*** St. PatRIcK's DaY ParTy!!! ***

Well... wouldn't you know I just happen to be IRISH! Actually Greek & Irish BUT this is the one time of year that I become all IRISH -- 100%! Such fun!!!

Just last weekend I hosted a multiple family St. Patty's Day party. I had a few inexpensive ideas that I used for the party. I invited four families (total of NINE children) over for dinner. Not sure what I was thinking when I had all 9 kids over BUT thankfully it was a fun-filled night.

I had a few simple and easy to follow rules in place with the invitation.

1. Wear GREEN. Prizes would be given out the night of the party.

2. IF you offered to bring something it had to be GREEN.

The first family who arrived had three kids. The middle child was so proud to arrive as a leprechaun. His mother was HORRIFIED that he drew -- with a brown magic marker -- a leprechaun beard. His 5 year old beard consisted of a straight line from one ear down to the chin and right back up to the other ear. When his older 8 year old sister saw it she insisted that he had to color it in. Being the big helper she took it upon herself to color in her brothers beard (his entire face!). Needless to say his mother was horrified and very nervous that the marker wouldn't come out for church the next morning. IT WAS A RIOT and the little boy felt like the luckiest leprechaun in the world. Too cute...

It was nice to see that the kids got into wearing green. Each child was greeted by my son with a green and white leis. The mom's got beaded necklaces (gold & green) PLUS fun flashing rings. The rings were a great deal for .25 each. Wouldn't you know out of 9 rings only 2 lit up. That's what I get for .25!

One family brought brownies with GREEN frosting and sprinkles. Another brought GREEN guacamole with nachos. One mom brought a black bean dip that wasn't green BUT delicious.

We got a pizza for the kids and my hubby-wubby made a yummy Shepard's Pie that was a replica of the Irish flag. How funny is that?!!! Not really sure what he was thinking BUT it was it was very funny AND as a grown adult he was so darn proud of what he made.


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