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Location: MA, United States

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Believe it or not this chair was in the worst possible condition when I first got it. Fabric was falling off and dirty (the type of chair you wouldn't dare sit on) AND the springs were bouncing out (so bad that you would seriously have to have them surgically removed from your bottom if you sat on it). It was so disgusting that IF you saw it you would have thought it belonged in the dump.
Well... to my surprise that is exactly where this chair was headed. Naturally, I fell in love with it the minute I saw it at my cousins house. I immediately asked what they were going to do with it and they quickly told me it was basically taking a one way ticket straight to the dump. It was then told them I wanted it AND I loved it! Everyone looked at me as though I had ten heads. I, on the other hand, was in my glory knowing that the disgusting, smelly and dirty chair was now mine.

Within days I had this chair "checked in" at a small local shop that does amazing work. I knew I wanted to pick a neutral color but still wanted to some how find a replica fabric. I eventually found fabric with a similar pattern as the original but this time it was an ivory color. I figured a neutral chair would go with more things and could be moved to other rooms if need be.

I must admit i did spend a small fortune having this chair done over BUT it was the sentimental value that was worth every penny. My dear sweet Aunt Annie (originally from Germany) has since passed and yet her chair lives on as a daily reminder of a woman who was once very special to me.

Did you know I LOVE pillows???

Add a colored pillow and look what happens!

This is what the chair looked like the day I picked it up.
I nearly died when I saw it. I only wish I had a "before" picture.



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