It's BlogAH Mom!

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Location: MA, United States

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Fancy up office storage with lovely glass containers.
Office colors: blues & browns.

Desk Storage

Look what a few ribbons and glue can do!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


This was a very easy and inexpensive project for built-in cabinets. I thought the cabinets were very plain and needed something. I took off the knobs and added detail. I was pleasantly surprised at the results. Many have commented on my cabinets. Little do they know... I am currently in the process of painting the mantel and cabinets white.

Built-In Living Room Bookcases
Notice the detailing on the cabinets.

Adding detail to any cabinet is so EASY!
This can be done in the bathroom, family room and even on furniture.

Everyone comments on the details.
Little do they know it was a Home Depot deal.

Such an easy project!
SUPPLIES: decorative wood piece, tape, paint.
I bought this piece unfinished at Home Depot. I can't remember the price but it was inexpensive. I'm almost positive it was well under $5. All you need is wood glue. I took out the brass knobs in the cabinet and decided not to have any. Put the glue on the back of the unfinished decoration (I forget the professional name of it!). Press it in the middle of your cabinet. Carefully tape all around so that it can't move. Take tape off the next day. Paint entire cabinet. WahLah! A brand new cabinet that cost YOU under $5!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Believe it or not this chair was in the worst possible condition when I first got it. Fabric was falling off and dirty (the type of chair you wouldn't dare sit on) AND the springs were bouncing out (so bad that you would seriously have to have them surgically removed from your bottom if you sat on it). It was so disgusting that IF you saw it you would have thought it belonged in the dump.
Well... to my surprise that is exactly where this chair was headed. Naturally, I fell in love with it the minute I saw it at my cousins house. I immediately asked what they were going to do with it and they quickly told me it was basically taking a one way ticket straight to the dump. It was then told them I wanted it AND I loved it! Everyone looked at me as though I had ten heads. I, on the other hand, was in my glory knowing that the disgusting, smelly and dirty chair was now mine.

Within days I had this chair "checked in" at a small local shop that does amazing work. I knew I wanted to pick a neutral color but still wanted to some how find a replica fabric. I eventually found fabric with a similar pattern as the original but this time it was an ivory color. I figured a neutral chair would go with more things and could be moved to other rooms if need be.

I must admit i did spend a small fortune having this chair done over BUT it was the sentimental value that was worth every penny. My dear sweet Aunt Annie (originally from Germany) has since passed and yet her chair lives on as a daily reminder of a woman who was once very special to me.

Did you know I LOVE pillows???

Add a colored pillow and look what happens!

This is what the chair looked like the day I picked it up.
I nearly died when I saw it. I only wish I had a "before" picture.



Below are pics of my livingroom centerpiece. I don't consider myself a centerpiece guru -- HOWEVER -- I do try when it comes to adding something special to a room. Below are pictures of my living room centerpiece that proudly sits on my coffee table. It's nothing fancy but I like it and seems to do the trick. For some reason my pics are loading in reverse order. The final results are at the top and the begining stages of my centerpiece are at the bottom.

This is my centerpiece. El Natural... pine cones...
For some reason my pictures were loaded backwards.

Another photo...

Ingredients: Pine Cones
The biggest and fattest ones you can find.

One good size candle. Color of your choice.

Did you ever see items like this on store shelf?
I looked at this in the clearance section of TJ Maxx and thought "who the heck would buy THAT?" Shortly after I was the person buying it (only because it was such a great deal) and yet I had absolutely no idea what the heck I would do with it. I've had it for years and love it!


PARTY PLANNING - St. Patty's Day Food


HUBBY-WUBBY'S SHEPHARD'S PIE - How funny is this???
It was my hubby's idea to die the mashed potatoes the same colors as the Irish flag. I nearly died laughing when I saw it. HE was so darn proud of his creation. Big (and yet funny) hit at our party! I'm still laughing...

This is what it looks like when you are done.
  • Dough: store bought -- I actually splurged and got mine from Bertucci's.
  • Broccoli Calzone: saute chopped broccoli with garlic (I use the kind already cut up in a container) in butter for only a couple of mins
  • Pepperoni Calzone: peperoni and a variety of shredded cheese
  • Ham and Cheese Calzone: sliced deli ham and a variety of shredded cheeses
  • Lightly grease (olive oil) large cookie sheet.
  • Roll dough on large cookie sheet. I used the Pampered Chef roller.
  • Cover first layer with meat or broccoli leaving about a 1/2" from the corners.
  • Sprinkle different kinds of cheese on top of meat or broccoli.
  • Carefully fold over the left and right sides before rolling dough.
  • Roll dough until you reach the end while sides remain tucked in.
  • Put ending part of dough face down on cookie sheet so it will not open up.
  • Do not roll too thin or cheese will start popping out the sides.
  • Cook at 350 for about 15 mins. Check to see how it looks. I turn the pan around so that sides are cooked evenly.
  • Cook another 5 mins. I honestly don't know the exact time it cooks since I never time it. Just keep checking until you see the tops turning a light brown.
  • Take out and cool. Cut in slices.
I make my calzones the night before because I can't deal with the mess in the kitchen on the day of the party. Plus I'm always busy doing last minute things.
I put my calzones in rows on a nice dish. You can heat up in the microwave OR in the oven with tin foil over the top. Either way works fine. I did mine in the oven with other food. Left overs are great in the microwave.
Everyone loves these calzones AND they are so easy. Below is a picture of what the broccoli and cheese looks like before rolling the dough. These calzones go with any party (i.e. cookouts, S. Bowl parties, etc.). My son loves the ham and cheese. Often times I'll serve it for lunch OR dinner.

PARTY PLANNING - St. Patty's Day

Containers very inexpensive at the Christmas Tree Shop.


Simple and easy to make any glass festive for any holiday.


Each child won a prize for wearing green.
It's amazing what I can do with a GREEN ribbon!
I even put the ribbons on the bottom of my chandeliers.

Candle holder .45 at the Christmas Tree Shop. Love that store!
Three on the dining room table and one in the bathroom with a fake/safe candle for the kids. Later I will use the candles for outside on a picnic table at our summer Cape Cod home.

Family room coffee table. An easy way to bring GREEN into every room.

I searched the Internet for plastic glasses that lit up.

After seeing how expensive they were I opted for this simple decoration.



- GREEN napkins in the bathroom
- GREEN apple juice... BIG hit with the kids!
- GREEN plates, utensils and napkins
- scary Halloween GREEN salad tongs (son insisted we had to use it)
- Irish music all night long
- GREEN table cloth

PARTY PLANNING - St. Patty's Day

St Patrick's Day is almost here!
Green, green & more green!

Served with dinner...

I wasn't overly thrilled about the recipe so I decided not to post it. I ended up keeping out the caraway seeds because I do NOT like them. The muffins tasted OK but not the best. Probably better with caraway seeds if you like that taste.

*** St. PatRIcK's DaY ParTy!!! ***

Well... wouldn't you know I just happen to be IRISH! Actually Greek & Irish BUT this is the one time of year that I become all IRISH -- 100%! Such fun!!!

Just last weekend I hosted a multiple family St. Patty's Day party. I had a few inexpensive ideas that I used for the party. I invited four families (total of NINE children) over for dinner. Not sure what I was thinking when I had all 9 kids over BUT thankfully it was a fun-filled night.

I had a few simple and easy to follow rules in place with the invitation.

1. Wear GREEN. Prizes would be given out the night of the party.

2. IF you offered to bring something it had to be GREEN.

The first family who arrived had three kids. The middle child was so proud to arrive as a leprechaun. His mother was HORRIFIED that he drew -- with a brown magic marker -- a leprechaun beard. His 5 year old beard consisted of a straight line from one ear down to the chin and right back up to the other ear. When his older 8 year old sister saw it she insisted that he had to color it in. Being the big helper she took it upon herself to color in her brothers beard (his entire face!). Needless to say his mother was horrified and very nervous that the marker wouldn't come out for church the next morning. IT WAS A RIOT and the little boy felt like the luckiest leprechaun in the world. Too cute...

It was nice to see that the kids got into wearing green. Each child was greeted by my son with a green and white leis. The mom's got beaded necklaces (gold & green) PLUS fun flashing rings. The rings were a great deal for .25 each. Wouldn't you know out of 9 rings only 2 lit up. That's what I get for .25!

One family brought brownies with GREEN frosting and sprinkles. Another brought GREEN guacamole with nachos. One mom brought a black bean dip that wasn't green BUT delicious.

We got a pizza for the kids and my hubby-wubby made a yummy Shepard's Pie that was a replica of the Irish flag. How funny is that?!!! Not really sure what he was thinking BUT it was it was very funny AND as a grown adult he was so darn proud of what he made.


HELP! I desperately need a prettier blog... I have no idea how to make my blog fancy, pretty and colorful like all the other mom bloggers. It looks like I am very limited on this blog site and can only use one of the few selected blog samples that they are allowing me to use. Ughhh... they are so boring and U-G-L-Y!

I know within time I'll research and eventually figure out how to make my blog just as pretty as all the others. In the meantime... IF you are reading this and IF you know how to do this... please feel free to share your secrets so I can change my very boring brown blog into something fun and exciting. I would sincerely appreciate ANY and ALL suggestions and advice you may have for me. Thanks...


I'm officially a mom blogAH! Please be patient with me as this is my very first time blogging. I'm thrilled I even figured out how to set this up with my new gmail email account. Not exactly sure what I'm doing but within time I am confident I'll be the best blogger out there! Wishful thinking...

Just recently I discovered the wild world of mothers that blog their crafty and decorating skills. I am being honest when I tell you I am completely obsessed with the millions and trillions of blogs that are out there. Oh my...

It's a whole new world to me and I'm shocked that is took me until 2010 to realize how much information is out there. I had no idea what I was missing out on until now.

Today I feel like a new person. I am finally ready to take on all those projects in my home that have sat... sat... and sat... while collecting lots of dust... dust... and more dust...

As I read the blogsI learned so many new things about crafting, redoing furniture, being creative while hosting parties, parenting, cooking, baking, painting AND so much more. Today was the day that I realized I AM ONE OF THOSE MOMS! I am woman hear me ROAR... I do the same stuff that all these other mom's do all the time and yet no one even knows about what I do. I've got some crafty skills -- not as crafty as some of these amazing talented moms -- BUT -- I do have some skills that I hope that others will enjoy.

So here I am not reallying knowing what the heck I am doing -- BUT -- I am determined to learn more about this beatiful world of blogging. I'm excited and eager to get started AND thrilled that YOU decided to join me on this exciting journey... where ever it may take us!